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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thinking Yourself Back To Health

The way a person thinks about things is determined by what he believes about them. His thoughts are determined by his faith, and the results depend upon his making a personal application of his faith.

Wallace Wattles, who wrote The Science of Being Well, explains how one is able to call on his own inner resource to regain health. “Your getting well does not depend upon the adoption of some system, or the finding of some remedy; people with your identical ailments have been healed by all systems and all remedies. It does not depend upon climate; some people are well and others are sick in all climates. It does not depend upon avocation, unless in case of those who work under poisonous conditions; people are well in all trades and professions.”

Faith, personally applied, cures. And no matter how great the faith or how persistent the thought, it will not cure without personal application. The Science of Being Well, then, includes the two fields of thought and action.

A person is a thinking center, capable of originating thought, and as he does not know everything, he makes mistakes and thinks error. Not knowing everything, he believes things to be true which are not true. A person holds in his thought the idea of diseased and abnormal functioning and conditions, and so perverts the action of the Principle of Health, causing diseased and abnormal functioning and conditions within his own body.”

The power of our thoughts is so powerful that it is now being demonstrated by such researchers as Candace Pert, the author of the Molecules of Emotion, Laurence Magne, in Cancer Free For Life, which can be purchased on the website of the same name, and in general the field of Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI) that our thoughts influence the molecular structure of our body. For instance, it is now a generally accepted fact that the onset of cancer in 80% of cases is preceded in the previous 3 years by a major trauma like a death of a spouse, a relocation, a divorce. As James Allen wrote, “As we think, so we become”.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Tips To Improve Your Memory Skills !!!!!!

There are significant age-related changes that take place in our brains . These changes can slow down some brain processes. As a result it's harder for us to learn new things as we grow older, and it's even harder to remember certain important information. But Thanks to many years of research it's now easier than ever to sharpen our brains with do-it-yourself techniques and tips that will boost our ability to remember as we age.

Memory Improvement Technique #1: Be careful with your brain usage.
Our brain is a machine. And although it is a very strong and powerful machine its still limited and needs rest. You should start economize your brain's power by taking advantage of calendars, planners, memo books,lists, maps, file folders, address books so that you can have routine information accessible. Also have a certain place in your home where you leave your car keys or your glasses and things you use on a daily basis. If you follow rules like that you will save a lot of your brain's power to use in more important situations and cases. It is also useful to try to brake new information into smaller parts so that you can keep track of your thoughts. It's easier to remember small parts of information. Have faith in yourself.

Memory Improvement Technique #2: Do Not Be A Victim Of Stereotypes.
Have faith in yourself. There are myths about ones age that can lead to a memory failure. When exposing yourself to negative stereotypes about aging (for example that middle-aged people learn difficult and do worse in memory tasks) then you're not making a step forward. You are actually forcing your brain to believe that it will fail as you age.. There's absolutely no proof that your memory will lose its accuracy and strength as you age.

Memory Improvement Technique #3: Repetition is Important.
When you learn something new that you feel it's important to remember or recollect later, try writing it down a few times. Or try to repeat it loud. For example when you meet a new person and you want to remember his/her name, use the name when you talk to him/her. Instead of repeating something again and again with small time intervals try the opposite. Repeat the information after longer periods of time (e.g. once every one hour, or once every other day etc.). This is especially helpful when you learn complicated new information. Let the brain absorb the information steadily as time goes by. Do not pressure your brain.

Memory Improvement Technique #4: Make use of all your Senses.
Don't limit yourself to use certain senses when you learn new information. Try to use all your senses. For example when reading something try to hear the sounds when turning the page or even smell the book or magazine. Odors are powerful at conjuring memories from the past. Use your emotions to fill your memories with emotional content. It will be much more easy to recollect those memories later.

Try to read aloud the new information you want to learn. Try drawing a picture. Try to visualize the information in your brain. It doesn't matter how you shape the information. It's the process of visualizing that's important because it forces the brain to make more precise information notes!

I hope you will find the above information useful and worth reading:

P.S - Pleez leave a message on how u like the post in my chatbox.>>>>>

Monday, October 22, 2007

Anger: Detect It; Prevent It; Manage It...Just Don’t Lose It

It's normal to feel angry or frustrated when you've been let down or betrayed. But anger and frustration don't justify violent action. Anger is a strong emotion that can be difficult to keep in check, but the right response is to always stay cool. This article talks about some techniques to deal with anger:

Anger is one of the most misunderstood and overused of human emotions. It is a reaction to an inner emotion and not a planned action. The feelings underlying the anger reaction make us feel vulnerable and weak; anger makes us feel, at least momentarily, strong and in control, but anger can be devastating. One moment of madness can bring about lifetime of suffering and in vain repentance. To be more specific:

  • Anger sends marriages and other family relationships off-course.
  • Anger reduces our social skills, compromising other relationships, too.
  • Anger means losing business that you could have won in a more gracious mood.
  • Anger leads to increased stress.
  • We make mistakes when we are angry, because anger makes it harder to process information.

Angry behaviors are learned over the life-span and therefore can be unlearned and replaced with healthier patterns of coping. To repress anger is unhealthy and yet to express it impulsively, as we so often do, may give momentary relief but inevitably will carry negative consequences. Here comes the anger management, following are some of the anger management techniques:

  • Learn to talk about your feelings - if you're afraid to talk or if you can't find the right words to describe what you're going through, find a trusted friend or adult to help you one-on-one.
  • Express yourself calmly - express criticism, disappointment, anger or displeasure without losing your temper or fighting. Ask yourself if your response is safe and reasonable.
  • Listen to others - listen carefully and respond without getting upset when someone gives you negative feedback. Ask yourself if you can really see the other person's point of view.
  • Negotiate - work out your problems with someone else by looking at alternative solutions and compromises.

Detect and Prevent Anger

There are very distinguishable physical manifestations of anger. If you are able to discern it you can pre-manage your anger by detecting and preventing your sliding into angry state of mindset. When you are angry, you would probably feel:

  • Muscle tension
  • Accelerated heartbeat
  • A "knot" or "butterflies" in your stomach
  • Changes in your breathing
  • Trembling
  • Goose bumps
  • Flushed in the face

You can reduce the rush of adrenaline that's responsible for your heart beating faster, your voice sounding louder, and your fists clenching if you:

Take a few slow, deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing.
Imagine yourself at the beach, by a lake, or anywhere that makes you feel calm and peaceful.
Try other thoughts or actions that have helped you relax in the past.

Keep telling yourself:

  • "Calm down."
  • "I don't need to prove myself."
  • "I'm not going to let him/her get to me."
  • Stop. Consider the consequences. Think before you act. Try to find positive or neutral explanations for what that person did that provoked you. Take help of the people expert in providing stress management techniques, or join anger management classes, if you think you yourself are not capable of controlling your anger.

Whatever you do to manage your temper, remember one thing; only you have the power to control your own violent behavior, don't let anger control you.

Be strong. Be safe. Be cool.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Creating Integrity Within

Is integrity near the top of your list of values? It is so important for creating a world that truly works for each person in it. Integrity means "the quality or state of being complete or undivided" and indicates firm adherence to our values. Our values are the things we hold dear, the things that are most important to us as we shape our lives. Living from them is integrity.

When you do something that is in alignment with what you believe--what you say is important to you--there is an internal sense of peace and well-being...even if doing it is difficult! It just "feels" so right. When your behavior clashes with your values, the opposite is true. You all know what happens when you try to squeeze past your values by doing or saying something that is a little off. You wriggle. You cannot maintain eye
contact. You know, deep in your hearts, that it does not feel right, don't you?

Integrity is like pregnancy. You cannot be a little bit pregnant. You are or you are not. You are living in integrity or you are not. You will always know if you tune in to what your body tells is a good barometer.

For today, just before you do or say anything, take a breath and ask yourself if what you are about to do is in alignment with what is important, significant and valuable to you. Is it in line with the things you stand for in life! If it is, proceed in peace. If it is not, ask yourself why you are doing it, how you will feel when it is done, and whether it is worth it. This may be a reputation-saving breath!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Gain Self Confidence. NOW !!!!

Have you ever thought, “If I just had more self-confidence, if I was just more sure of myself and my abilities, I know I could be successful?”

Discover how to replace your fears and doubts with a powerful self-confidence that will allow you to achieve your dreams and goals!

An excellent way to feed the mind with material for positive thinking is to commit to memory some of the sayings of great men and to ponder them at leisure. This assists in establishing a standard of truth, and at the same time feeds the mind with many nourishing and useful thoughts. Here are some examples:

"The confidence which we have in ourselves gives birth to much of that which we have in others."--La Rouchefocauld

“‘Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." --Tennyson.

"He who has once been very foolish will at no other time be very wise."--Montaigne.

"Nothing is said nowadays that has not been said before."--Terence.

"He must necessarily fear many, whom many fear."--Seneca.

"Courage in danger is half the battle." --Plautus.

"The multitude is always in the wrong." --Dillon.

"Thought once awakened does not again slumber."--Carlyle.

"Second thoughts, they say, are best." --Dryden.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." --Shakespeare.

A source of inspiration to one who would cultivate self-confidence is that of mingling with self-confident men. We grow to be like those with whom we associate. Human society is the great leveler, taking man out of himself, and teaching him the power of sympathy and unselfishness. Man was not made to live alone, and it is only in some form of service to others that he attains the truest greatness.

Confidence is marked by composure, fear by haste. It is the sum of a man's habits that determines what he is. Few people realize the difference between the thought habits of a fearful man and those of one who is self-confident.

Some men devote all their lives to little things and wonder why they never achieve anything worth while. It is as though a man should content himself with conducting a peanut-stand when all the while he might be a great lawyer.

Self-imposed limitation, a wrong idea of values, or a narrow and perverted view of life, holds many a man in bondage who might be scaling the heights. It is said that there are still business men who use the backs of old envelopes for scribbling paper while writing-pads may be bought cheaply.

Every man is more or less conscious at the close of day of duties unfulfilled, of work neglected, or of opportunities lost. He realizes sometimes how much more he might have done. He may well ask himself the cause of these repeated failures. Is it lack of will? Is it want of energy, definiteness, or initiative?

If he would take conscious possession of the powers within him, all these faculties might quickly be developed. It is not surprising that men fall so far short of their ideal when they make so little effort to attain it.

Here is a simple, proven, step-by-step plan that will allow you to achieve the self-confidence you have always dreamed of having – in as few as 31 short days!

So by means of systematic self-culture, patiently and persistently building one stone at a time, there at length emerges a strong magnetic, self-confident personality. These foundation stones are:

  1. Poise
  2. Optimism
  3. Wisdom
  4. Earnestness
  5. Realization
  6. Patience
  7. Deliberateness
  8. Faith
  9. Unselfishness
  10. Promptitude
  11. Health
  12. Silence
  13. Self-confidence
  14. Sincerity
  15. Concentration
  16. Love
  17. Power
  18. Temperance
  19. Sympathy
  20. Geniality
  21. Truth
  22. Speech
  23. Duty
  24. Purity
  25. Definiteness
  26. Integrity
  27. Enthusiasm
  28. Justice
  29. Tact
  30. Imagination
  31. Personality

Stress Reduction

Reducing stress can help us to manage our lives effectively. We can reduce stress by reviewing life and its potential problems, solutions and resources. If you are, a common ordinary family then you is set up with a home, car, job, children, entertainment, and other related responsibilities. You may own your own home, vehicle and established a foundation to succeed in life. You spend one day out of every week to enjoy quality time with the family, and you visit your friends on occasions to get away from your status in life.

Your job is running smoothly and you see no need to worry about any problem since you feel everything is under control. Your security is standing, your confidence is high, and your emotions are in tact. Everything seems perfect, so you are relaxing when you arrive home from work, since your job brought forth a rewarding day because of your outstanding efforts. Sounds perfect and I would give my last dollar to live in this environment, in fact most of us would. Now we are looking at a situation where stressors and stress are minimal. Since we can never eliminate stress from our lives, we have to question this scenario.

The husband is not worrying about anything, since he has established what appears to be a firm foundation for his family. Is the husband prepared for stressors and stress? Did the husband plan to prepare in case disaster occurs? IS the husband expecting that life will remain faithful or is he expecting that troubles could surface at any time? Finally, is the husband prepared to make decisions when troubles surface, and did he prepare his family for the problems that are potential in their future?

Does the family have a resource, support group, and help available when troubles occur. Maybe they sit up a savings account believing money would bail them out of all problems. Look carefully between the lines and tell me where stressors and stress exist? Since, we do not know what has been discussed in the family we are going to assume that this family is stable, secure and has not set up a stress management scheme in case the worst possible occurs.

By assuming this, we can deduce that the family is not prepared to handle tribulation at a higher magnitude than common problems. We can assume that the family has not planned a stress management relief when a high impact situation attacks. We can assume that the family is not using their head to the fullest, since we cannot determine if the family can make appropriate decisions when a major problem arises.

Unfortunately, we are going to cause a series of problems for this family to see how prepared we all are in any case scenario. Ok, the world is good and the family is happier than they are ever where in life.

The family continues daily taking care of responsibilities and enjoying their fruitful environment. Suddenly, everyone wakes up one fine sunny afternoon and finds that dad lost his job; mom is not working since dad has it all under control. Panic strikes, the husband flairs with anger since he has lost his security, a minimal ability to take care of his family and responsibilities.

He thinks I have enough money in my account to take care of the mortgage and bills until I land another job. Then he calls his bank all to find out that his Identity was stolen and his banking accounts are drained of resources.

OUCH! Now we have a real life problem with stressors overwhelming that our nerves should be shot by now. Let us see how prepared this family could be in the event stress is overwhelming. Now, we all know that we are a subject to unemployment and identity theft.

Where is the backup plan? If the husband was prepared and planned, he would know immediately what he needed to do to deal with the legal process of identity theft and unemployment. Now we know he had a stress management plan when he believed his savings would protect the family in case he lost his job, but we see that his mind is blown when he hangs up the phone with his bank.

I am not going to finish this story, since I am the type of person that likes to promote thinking. Now I am leaving it up to you to find out the ending of the story, and search your mind to find a stress management plan that works best for you.

Relieve Stress

There are many things we can do to relieve stress, ranging from small routine changes (such as avoiding rush hour traffic) to large drastic life changes (such as quitting our stressful jobs!).

At the smaller end of the scale, I believe one of the best ways that you can relieve stress is to 'get creative'.

What can you do to get creative? Anything you like, as long as 'you' do the creating!

It could be physical or mental creativity (preferably both), big or small. For example, is it about time you changed your garden around? Changed those dull old patio slabs? Now would be a good idea to get creative.

To relieve stress you have to do something you can be proud of. You need to be able to stand back and say to yourself, `Yep, I did that and I did a terrific job'.

Take the example above, if you're not physically able (and would have to employ someone to do the labouring for you) you could still design the garden yourself! Teach yourself a little about landscape gardening and design the best garden you can. If you are able to labour for yourself, design and build it entirely yourself! And most important of all, give yourself a pat on the back once you've finished and be proud of your hard work.

But it doesn't have to be so big (or so expensive). You could make a model aeroplane, do your own painting, and make something from clay, or anything at all.

One of my friends recently bought his own materials and built a magnificent kite! He said it felt great to finish it, but when he stood back and actually saw his achievement (i.e. when it was flying) he felt truly elated. Now that's stress relief!

Form a personal point of view, having suffered with a phobia of public speaking for so long, I always wanted to set up my own website - to be able to communicate in another way, freely, without the troubles I would usually have. When I eventually found a way to set up my site the pride and sense of achievement I felt was enormous. And with that pride and achievement came the stress relief I was after.

So from the examples above I hope you can see how you too can get creative to relive stress. The list of things you could do is endless.

Now it's time for the hard part. . . getting started!